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culture of helping

Thank you for all of the feedback from our “Toilet Paper Syndrome” Point last time. We got a message from a long-time reader saying, “Best one yet” and another said, “This hits home with a lot of struggles we have with people development in the work place.” If you’d...

Enemies of Success

Our last three points offered a short series for long-term success. I pointed out what you need to do in order to succeed. I started with three simple keys to succeeding: Be authentic. Form meaningful relationships. Do what you say you are going to do. Then I...

One More Short Course in Sales, Leadership & Life – Part 3

Let’s complete our short course series for long-term success. I started this course with three simple keys to succeeding: Be authentic. Form meaningful relationships. Do what you say you are going to do. Be authentic by telling the truth all the time—period. Next,...

Another Short Course in Sales, Leadership & Life – Part 2

Let’s expand on our short course series for long-term success. In my last Point, I offered three simple keys to success: Be authentic. Form meaningful relationships. Do what you say you are going to do. Be authentic by telling the truth all the time—even when the...

Short Course in Sales, Leadership & Life – Part 1

How about a short course in long-term success? The advice in today’s Point applies to all kinds of professionals—from salespeople to executives. It works in and out of the office, and it comes in answer to a common question. People in my program and those in groups I...


Spending time in quiet reflection is a dying art. Our culture often is too busy for that. Tasseography, too, is a dying art. “Tasso what?” you might ask (and with good reason). Tasseography is the reading and interpretation of patterns in tealeaves or coffee grinds or...

Valentine’s Day? Why Not Make It 24/7/365?

Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I thought it might be nice to take a break from our normal and various work-related topics and talk about something that applies to every single one of us.  Love. We are all alike in that each and every one of us wants love in our...

5 Simple Tips for Overachieving in 2012

Today I’d like to offer some simple, yet challenging, tips to make this year a big year for you—both in and out of your office. I see that the #1 challenge for people in my coaching program is staying focused amid day-to-day distractions and to-dos. Studies show that...

Minor Tweaking vs. Major Overhaul

In our last Point, we discussed how the new year is the closest thing any of us get to a regular “do over” in life. The new year is always a time of promise and promises. There are new opportunities to “get it right.” It’s also when we’re likely to make a great many...

Do Overs and Second Chances

In real life, regarding important things or practically anything, “do overs” are few and very far between—if at all. Usually, you don’t have a second chance to get something right. For the most part, you either get it right, partially right or just flat wrong on your...