Marc Corsini
Experienced CEO Coach, Vistage Advisory Group Chair, Trusted Advisor and Avid Hiker. I help executives do what they do better—both in and out of the office.
Meet Marc Corsini
I help executives in a variety of industries do what they do better. As a business coach for almost 30 years and president of a successful consulting group, I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners, executives and professionals, helping them find work-life balance so they can become the best version of themselves—in the office and out of it, too.
As legendary coach John Wooden said, “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” I coach this ambitious and positive mindset every day, and I’ve done so for decades. I have written four books about using a whole-person approach to life and work that is based on my 7 F’s of True Success model.
To expand my circle of influence, I am a Vistage Chair, leading two CEO groups and one Key Executive group of business leaders who are striving for rapid growth. I challenge their thinking, prompting them to consider new ideas and alternatives to business as usual. It is a collaborative effort where members share expertise and experience to lead themselves and others to greater success. Gold is polished through friction, and that is what happens in our groups: Successful people are encouraged to get uncomfortable in order to break through barriers and achieve their goals.
I am a Georgia Tech graduate and former trustee of the university’s National Alumni Association. I loved being involved in Boy Scouts, as an assistant scoutmaster, with my two sons who are both Eagle Scouts now. My wife, Susan, and I served in the infant foster care program through Catholic Family Services. We have three children and live in Birmingham.
Marc’s Blog
Do Less in 2023
I work with a lot of executives in several different industries, but I consistently hear variations of the same story: Executives today are overworked and overextended; they feel tired and frustrated with a lack of time and a lack of energy. Whether you...
Year-End Reflections
As a professional business coach with a whole-life approach to coaching, I want to emphasize this end-of-year time as a unique opportunity. Normally, I would tell people to think about the current year and assess how it went using our 7Fs of True Success model. I’d...
Leadership Lessons from a Puzzle
Having some downtime during the holidays, I thought it might be fun to put together a puzzle. My wife, Susan, is a big puzzle fan, so when I suggested we do one, she was happy to oblige. Next thing I knew, she had brought up six boxes of puzzles—with pieces...
Expectations (and How to Manage Them)
Often when I’m coaching a CEO, president or senior partner of a company and they are frustrated about what someone in their organization isn’t doing “correctly,” they will say: “If I were them, I would … “ Then, they go on to say how something should or shouldn’t be...
Locus of Control
We’ve all worked with people who, when things go wrong, blame everyone and everything except themselves. “The expectations were too high.” “I wasn’t given enough time (or resources or guidance or margin) to complete the project.” The excuses are endless, so they go on...
Ask the Right Questions
Smart questions get results. Uninformed questions get you nowhere. Those are two facts that apply in all circumstances—in all areas of life. For instance, we’ve had a streetlight near our house that has not worked for more than two years. One of my best friends...