by Marc Corsini | Sep 8, 2012
The more things change … the more you have to change with them. The selling profession is never, ever static—even, perhaps especially, during tough times. Successful selling has become harder—and not just because of the economy. In the past, people often went into a...
by Marc Corsini | Aug 27, 2012
My father celebrated his 90th birthday last week. That milestone was huge for our family, and, of course, I’m amazed and delighted to have had my dad in my life for all these years. He has taught me (and continues to teach me) so much over the years. Today, I’ll share...
by Marc Corsini | Aug 13, 2012
The Olympics have come and gone. During this once-every-four-years event, I watch sports that I know nothing about and see athletes whom, for the most part, I have never heard of before. But for those two event-filled weeks, I am hooked on the Olympics! Now that the...
by Marc Corsini | Jul 3, 2012
We are, right now, 197 days into this year. That means T minus 168 days (and counting!) to reach the goals you set back in January. Believe me, T minus zero will be here before you know it. When it does, will you be out of time or will you have timed it just right?...
by Marc Corsini | Jun 20, 2012
Many of you liked our “Toilet Paper Syndrome” Point that we ran several weeks ago. We got a message from a long-time reader saying, “Best one yet!” Another reader said, “This hits home with a lot of struggles we have with people’s development in the work place.”...
by Marc Corsini | Jun 14, 2012
Summer is here, and that means it’s time for my annual “Vacation Do’s and Don’ts.” Over the years, this piece about how to best spend your vacation has been one of my most popular—and controversial—Points. A couple of my clients have told me I’m absolutely wrong to...
by Marc Corsini | Jun 10, 2012
One thing I’ve been thinking about lately is how to start a conversation amongst my readers and clients about how you all do what you do better. We’re working on it. Meanwhile, I’ll share some comments regarding our last Point about taking control of the time-wasting...
by Marc Corsini | Jun 3, 2012
Some of you had lots to say regarding our last Point about “the swarm” —that’s what we call all those nagging, get-in-your-way, mundane things that take up so much of our valuable time each day. You wrote: “Dead on, brother. I needed that!!!” “Never thought of the...
by Marc Corsini | May 22, 2012
First of all, thank you for the incredible, positive feedback from our “Toilet Paper Syndrome” Point last time. We got a message from a long-time reader saying, “Best one yet.” Another person said, “This hits home with a lot of struggles we have with people’s...
by Marc Corsini | May 3, 2012
Today I want to talk about taking charge and assuming ownership of situations. This can mean being responsible for something as simple as replacing the toilet paper roll or something as complex as making sure your customers are absolutely and totally satisfied. I...