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handoff business

I’ve been in the same office building for almost 20 years, and I’ve seen a lot of other businesses come and go. For some reason—my longevity here I suppose—I’ve become the “3rd floor resident manager.” That means if I’m in the men’s room and we are out of paper...

vacation dos and don’ts

Summer, for all practical purposes, is here, and that means it’s time to share my annual “vacation do’s and don’ts.”                                                                               Over the years, this content about how to...

momma’s day

A while back, I saw a mother hosting her young son’s birthday party in a local park on a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon. She was wearing a button that read, “All birthdays are Mother’s Day!” And I thought to myself:  That’s a wonderful way to look at “the world’s...

I was unhappy & didn’t know it!

I’ve had a long-time love affair with cars. Some of you might appreciate that “addiction.” I just love really nice cars: Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Audi, BMW, Porsche, etc. Name a luxury car, and I have probably wanted one (and in a few cases have owned one). My addiction...

goals revised: how to get from here to there (part 2 of 2)

Our last blog focused on the difference between setting annual goals and looking at the bigger picture of a five-year plan. I asked you to consider whether or not your current goals will get you where you want to go. This line of thinking grew out of a coaching...

goals revised: setting the right goals (part 1 of 2)

Let’s take a moment or two to focus on your goals—both in and out of the office. I’m not going to do what I usually do. I’m not about to ask you how you are doing on your goals this year to date. Rather, I want you to consider whether or not you are working toward the...

short timer’s disease

Not long ago, I was meeting with a VP of sales who is in our management coaching program. He and I were talking about a salesperson who once seemed promising but who was no longer working at the company. I thought back on when we’d hired that salesperson. He looked...

What’s your routine?

I’d like to share another real-life situation with you. I met recently with someone in my sales coaching program whom I had not seen in more than 90 days. We spent the first part of the meeting talking about the previous year. He’s been in sales for about three years...

what do hugs, kisses & job satisfaction have in common?

To stop myself from daydreaming and to keep my focus on the church service, I like to sit in one of the front rows during mass. (This sitting in the front has become a battle of wills with my family, because they all like to sit in the back. Our sitting goals, really,...

Happy valentine’s day

With Valentine’s Day coming up on Friday, I thought I’d add a little fun and levity to this week’s blog. However, in an effort to help you do what you do better, we’re going to relate this celebratory day to a couple of the 7 F’s of True Success—namely Family (and...