by Marc Corsini | Sep 12, 2017
Douglas MacArthur was one of the greatest military minds of all time. Considered by many to be a genius in modern warfare, he groomed some of our country’s best commanders, and his career actually spanned WWI to the Korean War. A Costly Mistake I want to talk about...
by Marc Corsini | Aug 22, 2017
In my previous blog, I shared a conversation I had with my older son about where I was twenty-plus years ago and how I didn’t imagine the life I have today. Most people, I think, feel much the same way. And most of us—no matter how satisfying life has turned out to...
by Marc Corsini | Aug 8, 2017
My older son just graduated from high school. As he’s embarking on this next part of his life, he asked me some questions about my own life. I guess milestone moments like graduation encourage this kind of curiosity. He asked me how many years Susan and I have been...
by Marc Corsini | Jul 25, 2017
At CCG, we’re blessed to coach a lot of highly successful executives. These are the best of the best, so naturally sometimes the coach ends up learning a thing or two. In a recent session, I was coaching an executive who is very successful in his industry. He has a...
by Marc Corsini | Jul 11, 2017
A quick look at any thesaurus says tactical and strategic are interchangeable. Maybe in some cases they are, but in business there’s a difference. Especially when it comes to where and how executives spend their time. Tactical describes a means to an end and involves...
by Marc Corsini | Jun 27, 2017
An executive VP of sales, during a recent coaching session, told me he thinks he has a morale problem in his office. Several of the salespeople, he said, have been complaining. He wasn’t sure if it was mere grumbling or if there really were some things seriously wrong...
by Marc Corsini | Jun 13, 2017
The only thing worse than receiving bad news is to be the one delivering it. This has been the case since time immemorial. The ancient Greek playwright Sophocles put it this way: “Nobody likes the bringer of bad news.” At one time or another, we all have had to...
by Marc Corsini | May 30, 2017
The average corporate executive reads 50 to 60 books a year. That’s impressive! As Dr. Seuss said in his book I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Speaking of...
by Marc Corsini | May 24, 2017
Let’s talk a little today about pricing services. Warren Buffett says, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” I agree that that’s true, but, of course, it’s much more complicated. The key for businesses is to price goods and services in a way that offers...
by Marc Corsini | May 10, 2017
Coaching is about collaboration, and feedback is vital to the process. At CCG, we also love getting feedback about our blogs. We’ve been producing content for more than 25 years and passing it along to help you do what you do better. Often the feedback we get in...