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Perpetual Amateur

In college, I developed an interest in photography, and I bought a Nikkormat 35mm camera. At the time, it was Nikon’s lower-end product, but it still was nicer than a Polaroid or other instamatic camera. Back then, gaining “experience” with a 35mm camera was...

Wright’s Rule of 5

French writer Albert Camus once wrote: “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” That little bit of wisdom reminds me of a recent meeting with my friend Lloyd Wright. Lloyd is a former executive coaching client. I helped him with his...

“They’re Looking for Someone Younger.”

You might have heard somebody who’s an older worker say that they are too old to do something different professionally. “I’m too old to start a new career,” or “Nobody will hire me now that I’m in my 60s” or “They’re looking for someone younger.” The thing is: That’s...

The Mailroom

Working in the mailroom has always been considered an entry-level job. Some would say it’s the entry level for ALL entry-level jobs. Most people do not aspire to work in the mailroom; there are no mail-sorting degrees to earn. You sort the mail, open some of it and...

When Never Is The Only Option

Have a Can-Do Attitude:  Make ‘Never’ the Only Option When my wife and I were engaged, she was living in Atlanta and I was living in Birmingham. She started interviewing two months before our wedding for a job in Birmingham, and she found one pretty quickly. The only...

March Madness Confidence

Today is the beginning of March Madness (aka the NCAA Division 1 Men’s Basketball Tournament). Each year, 64 outstanding college teams from all over compete to be the #1 team in the country. And offices everywhere focus on brackets as well as business. Over the next...

Confidentiality versus Secrets in the Workplace

  As a business coach who takes a whole-life approach to coaching, I hear some sort of confidential information (both professional and personal) nearly every day. People disclose information about acquisitions, company downsizing and salaries. They share personal...

Valentine’s Day Is About Love

 Valentine’s Day and Love Years ago, my brother and I were talking about somebody and whether I liked that person or not. I said to my brother, “I like people who like me.” He just laughed. Over the years, whenever this came up, he would remind me: “Oh yeah, Brother,...

Be Good and Get Better by Getting Uncomfortable

In my two previous blogs (part 1 and part 2), I talked about cultivating good habits and adopting an attitude of gratitude in order to Be Good and Get Better. The last of my three keys to success in 2018 is going to sound illogical and contradictory, but I’m...